Mexico-United States Border Geoportal

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About the project

Mexico-United States Border Geoportal - iSTAR. v.3.1

Welcome to the Border Geoportal, a geographic information web system developed by the International Spatial Technology and Research Lab (iSTAR). This is a binational project produced by the Geotechnology, Infrastructure, Transport & Sustainability Group (GITS) of the Institute of Geography of UNAM and the Center for Geospatial Science & Technology (CGST) California State University, Northridge.

The comprehensive web-based portal allows users to integrate, store, display, analyze and download data and geographic information that supports the needs of academic, institutional and professional users (public, private and social) for planning and management of the Mexico/United States border region. Additional information can be found

Please note the Geoportal is currently in development. The basic site displays fundamental layers and functionality to provide an introductionto the Geoportal content and potential. Full access to all tools and geothemes requires a user login.
Please contact us to request access.

Danielle Bram

Héctor Daniel Reséndiz López
UNAM | Mexico

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